Monday, February 25, 2013

Shoes Fit for a President (or Prime Minister)

In honor of Presidents day this week, as well as a looming shoe order, I tried my hand at a time lapse video of their creation. The order called for one Denmark shoe and one American shoe, and this is what became of it...

Gosh that video download process was unreal. Took me over a week to figure out, as the URL kept coming up empty. Glad to see it's finally working out and I can now share.

So my first time lapse, and much too long to watch without skipping along, but enjoy and let me know what you thing of this style of presentation. I have one on the way of The Great Room Rearrange of 2013.

Here's some other shoes I've worked on in the past as well.

As always, thanks for stopping by.


  1. These are incredible! Do you sell shoes that you make? Also loved the patriotic music in the video and the cameo of peanut butter toast when you must have gotten long did they take?

    1. Thanks Molly! I do sell them, and these ones took about 4 hours. I'm glad you caught my snack break:)

  2. You just keep amazing me with your talents, Baily. The video was thrilling to watch! I have a feeling you're going to get more shoe orders from it (get ready!)

  3. Very cool! I really wish I had that kind of eye and steady hand.
    Have you ever really screwed something up when you're almost done?

    1. You know I like shoes because they're forgiving. If I mess up the painting I can always paint over it. But I have certainly messed up baked goods or cake decorating and thats a tough recovery without just redoing.

  4. Those are beautiful! How long does it take you to make a pair?

    1. These ones were about a 4 hour project which felt shorter than usual. I've definitely done some that take much longer than that, with finer detail and such

  5. Bailey, you are so talented! The video was really neat, and a great way for us to see the process you go through. So cool!

    1. Thank you I'm glad you you liked it, I'll have to do more time lapses in the future.
