Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lovely Loving Berries

With this cake "business" I operate, I often get requests for all sorts of random treats that have nothing to do with cake. I can't say that I'm not flattered, but sometimes I find myself fairly lost. So when I was asked to do a few dozen chocolate covered strawberries I should have said, "Sorry I don't really do that." But against my better judgement and the fact that the kindest man wanted to give them to his wife and two daughters, i folded. 

After $20 of wasted chocolate that i burnt, things went pretty smoothly. Lesson learned, double check your internet sources. The first website that I looked at about chocolate dipping suggested using butter to mix with the chocolate. WRONG. As soon as all of the chocolate started turning to crumbs before my eyes, I went back to the computer and found that butter contains water which makes the chocolate seize. So later I found that it's vegetable shortening that I wanted to use the first time. So on I went. 

And the best part? There were a ton of extras...


  1. These look amazing! Melting chocolate is hard. One time I used a pot that had just been cleaned and was the tiniest bit wet (I didn't even notice) and that made the chocolate seize:(

    1. Ya it's definitely a learning experience. I tried the double boil this time, but in general the microwave melting has always been so much easier and equally delcious. 30 seconds at a time and stir after each. Definitely not as gourmet looking, but nobody has to know:)

  2. Those are gorgeous! Whenever I try dipping stuff in chocolate, it never gets that really smooth look, instead getting gunky in too many places. Is the trick the vegetable shortening?

    1. I think that that's part of it. Also making sure that everything you're using is perfectly dry. I cleaned the berries and then let them dry for a whole day as I was nervous for the same thing.Also I was constantly drying my hands and utensils. It seems so silly since water can usually go with anything (or atleast not destroy it completely), but it can really take down the chocolate quickly

  3. I love the one in a tuxedo! So cute!

    1. I concur! Did you use frosting tips for the details?

    2. Thanks! That was definitely the favorite of the day. And ya, I spooned all of the leftover dipping chocolate into a plastic bag and just snipped off a small tip.

  4. Bailey, these are beautiful! And delicious :) I've made chocolate covered strawberries before, but they have never looked as great as these do. I've also had many tragic experiences with seizing chocolate, and now I know it's probably because of the butter. Thanks for the tip!

    1. Thank you! But heck, with chocolate and strawberries you really can't go wrong, no matter what it looks like.

  5. Thank you so much for bringing the leftovers to class. So good!

    1. Of course! That's what valentines day is all about..sugar.
