Monday, February 25, 2013

Shoes Fit for a President (or Prime Minister)

In honor of Presidents day this week, as well as a looming shoe order, I tried my hand at a time lapse video of their creation. The order called for one Denmark shoe and one American shoe, and this is what became of it...

Gosh that video download process was unreal. Took me over a week to figure out, as the URL kept coming up empty. Glad to see it's finally working out and I can now share.

So my first time lapse, and much too long to watch without skipping along, but enjoy and let me know what you thing of this style of presentation. I have one on the way of The Great Room Rearrange of 2013.

Here's some other shoes I've worked on in the past as well.

As always, thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lovely Loving Berries

With this cake "business" I operate, I often get requests for all sorts of random treats that have nothing to do with cake. I can't say that I'm not flattered, but sometimes I find myself fairly lost. So when I was asked to do a few dozen chocolate covered strawberries I should have said, "Sorry I don't really do that." But against my better judgement and the fact that the kindest man wanted to give them to his wife and two daughters, i folded. 

After $20 of wasted chocolate that i burnt, things went pretty smoothly. Lesson learned, double check your internet sources. The first website that I looked at about chocolate dipping suggested using butter to mix with the chocolate. WRONG. As soon as all of the chocolate started turning to crumbs before my eyes, I went back to the computer and found that butter contains water which makes the chocolate seize. So later I found that it's vegetable shortening that I wanted to use the first time. So on I went. 

And the best part? There were a ton of extras...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Barrel-o-Apples Spread

Inspired by my favorite blog MoreDesignPlease, I decided to make a sweet treat that keeps on treating, apple butter!

I had a wonderful time cooking, canning, and decorating these adorable little jams to share with my classmates. Plus my roommate helped out, which always makes any baking time so much more enjoyable. We made some Gluten Free biscuits to go along with the spread, though since I've tried it with all sorts of baked goods whenever I crave something sweet. 

Here's how they turned out. It tasted a bit like congealed apple sauce, but it's a nice change from berry jams.  I can't wait to do this again with other spreads. If you feel so inclined, you can find the recipe here: (I did end up having to use a stick blender to get out some of the apple chunks if you do try this recipe yourself)