Thursday, January 17, 2013

On Blogging & My Aesthetic Journey

Welcome to Luscious Vicious, home of everything deliciously designed, both tasty and non-edible. I encourage you to read the "about me" to further understand what the heck I'm doing here. But bottom line, I love art and design and the very personal media that can be created with two hands.

Before haphazardly posting projects galore out of my own passionate desire to create, well, anything really, I feel the need to explore my own design aesthetic. What do I like? What's my fashion sense? What artists inspire me? What does this even mean? And honestly, I'm lost.

Putting on paper (well virtual paper) the very essence of my personality in visual form is a daunting task and one that I'm not even near prepared for. Ask me on my death bed and I surely will still not know my own design aesthetic. But I have to be comforted in my own ok-ness with this conundrum. I suppose I should be scared given the looming amount of design interviews and portfolio reviews I have to look forward to within this lifetime. Reviews where I will have to vomit a glorious rainbow of aesthetic cohesion that says, "I am Bailey Jones."

Things and ideas I liked last year or even last week I don't really like right now. But now that I'm searching the portfolio of my mind, I'm finding more and more consistencies in things that constantly make me smile and think, "Damn that's so cool." So here's what I like, potentially who I am, and the ongoing journey into the creative mind:

My favorite car in the world. Not because 70s hipster revival told me so, but because both my parents drove Volkswagons growing up and my mom still holds on to her red vanagon dearly. But yes I do love retro themes, bright colors, community cohesion, free spirits, peace signs, and all else that this embodies (except  heavy amounts of drugs).

Baking things. I have a somewhat successful cake business for a college student. And as terribly time consuming as it may be, I don't think my obsession for making edible things look cool will ever wear off.

This is not my family tree house, but it expresses my designerly love for everything natural. Trees, wood, natural fibers, clovers, the color green, and indeed, Swiss Family Robinson Treehouses have been a constant favorite.

Why do these things matter? Because we all come from somewhere. After some review, my current ever-changing "design aesthetic" has been deeply influenced by my family. The things I'll choose to create are likely some off branch of these things, or else just a whim that will further influence my personal style. Whatever the case, I'm excited.

Never Stop Creating.


  1. I have to say, I have no fashion sense whatsoever so I look forward to seeing what one looks like. But I'm also a great fan the the Swiss family Robinson tree houses, they were just so cool!

    1. Glad we can agree on the tree houses! I'm always surprised when people don't know what I'm talking about:)

  2. I want to hear more about your cake business! How did you get started doing that?

    1. Good question! I actually started early high school making treats for friends. I really got in to Ace of Cakes so when a friends birthday came up I tried making an iPod cake. It went well and feedback was great so I just kept going with it! Every birthday was a new cake challenge:) Ever since it's been really fun and really expensive, so I had to turn it in to a "business" simply so I didn't go broke making people cakes. Thanks for asking!
