Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Million Little Pizzas

Knowing that my friends were getting together for a meeting at our house today, I decided to come up with an easy snack that would still be super cute. With a variety of taste buds and my own need to balance the sweet and savory, I came up with six simple recipes. All have less that 4 ingredients and were devoured in minutes! Once the pizza dough shells are made, you can truly fill them with anything.  

Making the Pizza Dough "Shells"

Now for the Toppings!

Here's the six I cam up with, but I recommend experimenting! So much could be made just from leftovers or random ingredients in the fridge!


& Eats

Enjoy! And let me know what other awesome combos you come up with, I froze some shells for next time :)


  1. Those look awesome! How creative to just raid your fridge for toppings. And you came up with such delicious, easy snacks for company! I definitely will want to try this out sometime soon.

    1. Good to hear from you Rebekah, and yes it was so easy! As you mentioned college cooking in a later comment, this is a great option for that. I made a ton of extra so that I can easily reheat them for a semi-homemade snack.

  2. This is such a good idea! Do you know of any good gluten-free pizza dough (ready-made or to make yourself)?

    1. Good question! I have a bag of pizza dough powder in my pantry right now made by Bob's Red Mill. Worth trying!

  3. The chocolate and apple pie ones look delicious, and very simple - my two favorite things! And great photos by the way.

    1. Thanks! Those were two of the simplest and also the two favorites! You have a good eye:)

  4. What a great idea! I especially love how simple, yet delicious and fancy they look! Did you base your cooking time and temperature on the dough you used, or by a recipe you found?

    1. Good question! I originally base my time on the dough I used, which recommended 10-12 minutes I believe. Luckily I checked them very early and at 5 minutes they were golden brown and cooked through. Makes sense since they're so little.

  5. Ingenious and delicious-looking million (42) pizzas aside, where did you get your plates? I love them! Great for food photography.

    1. Oh my goodness I love these plates! I found them at Pier 1 this summer. I just checked and they still have them if you're interested.,default,pd.html?cgid=dinnerware
